VIP Rewards


Lots of different retail chains have loyalty reward programs...which basically means you end up with a ton of those little plastic doodads hanging off your keys. It gets super annoying, actually. You have to figure out which little plastic thing you need to scan depending on whether you're at the grocery store or the pet store or whatever. At BetOnline Casino, you get the benefits of loyalty rewards as a VIP. No plastic little doodads are needed for you to enjoy the VIP rewards here.

Being a VIP

With a casino VIP program, you can get a lot of great rewards. This might mean reload bonuses, casino rebates and other ways to get money that will allow you to gamble for free. It's not many places where you get the chance to gamble for free. And the best part? The money you win is definitely real. BetOnline has many different levels of VIP. The Bronze level, the first level, gives you several great rewards. But at the top level, Black, you will get all sorts of perks that make gambling truly worth your while.

How to Become a VIP

Anyone can become a member of BetOnline and start playing around. But to become a VIP, you need to complete just a few extra steps in order to take advantage of loyalty programs and various perks and bonuses. First, you will sign up for the VIP program. You will start out at Bronze level. As you do more gambling and spend more time at the casino, you will progress in level. Once that happens, you can start claiming all your weekly and monthly bonuses and get even more out of the games you play.

Climbing the Ladder

You will go up in level as a VIP based on how much money you're betting. So the more money you bet, the more you'll be increasing in level and the more rewards and bonuses you get. As you progress from Bronze level, new rewards you will see are level up bonuses, exclusive deposit options, bonuses that are designed specifically for you, season start bonuses and even gifts and perks that only other high-ranking VIPs get. At the very top level, you will get personalized rewards. To reach this level, you'll need to spend more than 100 million.

The Best Bonuses

All the little rewards and perks you will receive through the VIP program are useful. They can all help you get more out of your casino experience. But the perks you'll probably like most are the daily and weekly reload bonuses. When you add money to your account, you will get a bonus that actually gives you even more money to gamble with.

Enjoying VIP Rewards with BetOnline Casino

Take advantage of VIP rewards to get even more out of what you put into BetOnline. This is a loyalty program that actually does give you a big advantage and a leg up when it comes to getting money for the casino.